Drive Defensively, Not Aggressively, After Driving School

12 November 2020
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Defensive driving is important, and it is one of the skills you will learn about in driving school. Driving school is all about learning how to drive safely and efficiently. You will find that defensive, not aggressive, driving is the best option for your safety, and for getting from Point A to Point B.

These are some of the things you need to avoid in order to become a defensive driver.


First, you likely know that there are laws against speeding. In fact, speeding aggressively on the road does not give you the reaction time you need to make good driving decisions. For this reason, you should avoid speeding or driving faster than would be safe based on the conditions of the road.


Tailgating is also an aggressive tactic. You can drive more defensively by ensuring you have a safe distance between you and the car you are following. Make sure that you have enough time to react should the vehicle in front of you stop quickly. Defensive driving in this way also ensures you do not make angry or intimidate the vehicle in front of you. A driving school will teach you how far away you should stay from other vehicles.

Changing Lanes Quickly

Quick lane changes can also come off as aggressive behaviors on the road. You should give yourself ample time to check your mirrors and look over your shoulder to your blind spot before you merge. Quick merges are not defensive because they do not allow enough time to check the road. You will learn more about safe lane changes in driving school.

Running Lights & Signs

Running lights and signs might make you believe you are getting from one place to another faster, but you are putting yourself and others at tremendous risk. Each time you move through an intersection without stopping, you are increasing your risk of being involved in an accident or putting others in harm's way. Defensive drivers stop at red lights and signs and proceed when it is safe to do so.

Failure to Yield

Yielding is another important defensive strategy to yield. Failing to yield to other vehicles puts you at higher risk for an accident. A driving school will help you learn techniques for yielding defensively.

Driving School Is Crucial

Driving school is important for understanding how to drive safely. Defensive strategies will keep you safe on the road, no matter where you are going. Contact a driving school for more information. 
