Why Your Car Is Guzzling Gas

27 July 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

At some point in a car's life, it will start to lose efficiency in terms of gas economy. But when that starts to happen, you might wonder if there's anything to do to correct it. Here are some reasons your car might be guzzling gas.

Its Model Is Know to Guzzle Gas

Some cars simply consume a lot more gas than others, and that problem becomes more noticeable as the car ages. When you make a car purchase, whether it's an old car or a new one, look up the expected fuel economy on the manufacturer's website before you buy. When you have the choice between two similarly priced vehicles you like, opting for the one with better miles per gallon performance is often a wise economic call.

You Forgot to Do Maintenance

Cars can start to guzzle gas if they haven't been maintained correctly. For example, you might have an engine with a lot of gunk in its exhaust system if you forgot to do regular changes of oil and filters.

Your Tires Need to Be Replaced

Tires are another, specific maintenance issue that can cause problems for your car. And, thankfully, it's one that's easy to fix. If tires are worn, or if they are underinflated, the car won't travel as well. The tires won't grip the road and propel the car forward as easily. Getting a tire checkup solves this issue pretty quickly.

Your Driving Techniques Require a Lot of Engine Power

You may also want to consider how your own driving habits could have an impact on an older vehicle that's already working harder than it used to. Consider, for example, how being trigger-happy with braking will cause you to also have to press the gas pedal a little too often. Or, are you the type to try and swerve through traffic or accelerate right up to a stop sign? All of those things require more gas, which could be a reason that you're getting fewer miles per gallon than what your manufacturer expects.

Some reasons for poor fuel economy are fixable, and some are not. It's worth at least visiting an auto repair shop to see if anything can be done. The $100 it costs you to get a good diagnosis will be repaid to you many times over if you can find a way to stop running through so much gasoline each time you drive.
